TSC Central Office
21 Elston Road
Lafayette, IN 47909
(765) 474-2481
Welcome to the Tippecanoe School Corporation Business Department. The Business Department is responsible for overseeing the district's finances and budgets. Areas of responsibility include: accounts payable, grants management, payroll, accounts receivable, contract management, debt service, banking, financial reporting, textbook rental fees, budget, extra curricular accounting, investments, and purchasing. The Tippecanoe School Corporation strives to operate with fiscal responsibility, integrity, and effectiveness focusing on expenses leading toward student achievement while maintaining low tax rates for residents of our community.
- Business Department Staff
- Certified Contracts
- Financial Reports
- Furniture Standards
- Manuals
- Public Notices
- Retirement
- Support Staff Wage Book
- Vendor Application Process
Business Department Staff
Certified Contracts
Financial Reports
Furniture Standards
The Furniture Standards Catalog contains several options of standardized furniture and equipment that have been approved by the TSC Business Office. All furniture and equipment listed has been selected due to special pricing and standardizing across the district. By standardizing these furniture and equipment options, it will be easier to replace pieces in the future. There are pre-approved color selections for all items. Requests for any additional color options are not permitted.
Public Notices
Public Hearings
Notice of Additional Appropriation Hearing - Operations Center/Mayflower Mill
Notice of Additional Appropriation Hearing - Klondike Campus
Notice of Hearings on Project - Mintonye Elementary
Notice of Hearing on Proposed Lease - Mintonye Elementary
Notice of Additional Appropriation Hearing - Mintonye Elementary
Notices of Adoption
Request for Proposals/Bids
ADMINISTRATION CENTER - Bids due 1/16/24 @ 2:00 pm
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Please enter your email address. Instructions for retrieving your username and password will be emailed to you.
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If you do not have a username and password, please supply the following information and click Continue. Your email address will be your username.
Create a new Password
Please enter your username and create a new password.
Other Public Notices
Notice of Determination - Klondike Campus
Notice of Determination - Operations Center/Mayflower Mill
Notice of Execution of Lease - Klondike Elementary and Klondike Middle Schools
Notice of Execution of Lease - Mayflower Mill Elementary School
Notice of Public Auction - August 20, 2022
Notice of Additional Appropriation - General Obligation Bond
Notice of Determination - General Obligation Bond
Notice of Determination - Mintonye Elementary Financing
Notice of Execution of Lease - Mintonye Elementary School
Teachers (Certified)
- Teacher's Retirement Fund (TRF) - as of 7/1/2024, TSC contributes 6.5% of base contract + teachers' portion of 3% into the TRF.
- Hybrid Plan (traditional)
- My Choice Plan (only offered to employees joining TRF after 7/1/2019)
- Indiana Public Retirement System (INPRS) Website
- Certified Retiree Info & Checklist
- TIAA-Cref 401(a) - TSC contributes 1.5% of teacher's base contract pay into a 401(a) through TIAA-Cref. This retirement plan was set up for teachers to save for their retirement instead of paying out sick days upon retirement. Adopted 2000-2001 school year.
Support Staff (Classified)
Public Employee Retirement Fund (PERF) - as of 1/1/2014, TSC contributes 11.2% of employee's base salary + employee's portion of 3% into PERF.
Voluntary Retirement Options (available to all TSC employees)
- 403(b) Pre-Tax Annuity
- Go to
- To set up a new account, click ENROLL (Access Code 43326002)
- To manage an existing account, click on REGISTER or log in
- 403(b) Roth Post-Tax Annuity -
- Go to
- To set up a new account, click ENROLL (Access Code 43326002)
- To manage an existing account, click on REGISTER or log in
- 457(b) Pre-Tax Annuity - Follow the instructions on how to enroll online. Once you have your 457(b) account setup, you must also submit a completed Voluntary Salary Deferral Agreement to the Business Office.
- INPRS Voluntary Post-Tax Contributions - You may contribute up to an additional 10 percent of your compensation (gross wages). If interested, complete the enrollment form and send to the Business Office. You can start/change/stop these contributions at any time. NOTE: If you enrolled in pre-tax voluntary contributions before 12/31/2018 (no longer offered), you cannot stop the contribution.
Retirement Services
- To set up an appointment to discuss your retirement options, email one of our 403(b) advisors:
- Julie Sears |765-202-1098|
- Bryan Hoffman |765-490-1834|
- Visit Corebridge Financial Education Center for retirement information.
- To request a hardship withdrawal, loan, exchange, distribution, or severance of employment, visit the Retirement Manager.
- Universal Availability Notice
Support Staff Wage Book
Vendor Application Process
Become a Vendor for Tippecanoe School Corporation!
If your business is interested in doing business with the TSC, an application must be completed and approved by the Business Office. Please complete the applicable application and submit to the business office at
Construction Vendor Application Packet