Update 8/18/2022:
- PCR, rapid antigen, and home COVID test results are accepted by schools.
- Positive home tests: A photo or copy of a positive home COVID test result should be forwarded to the child's school and/or school nurse for documentation purposes and current isolation guidance should be followed.
- Students with a negative test result can return to school when they have had improving symptoms and no fever for at least 24 hours.
Update 9/17/2021:
The Indiana State Department of Health recently updated their guidance related to COVID testing options that can be accepted by Indiana Schools. Per ISDH, home COVID tests with a positive result can be accepted by schools and no follow up/confirmatory testing is required. Home COVID tests with a negative result will not be accepted by the schools. Negative home COVID tests must still be confirmed by a follow up rapid or PCR test done at a testing facility for symptomatic and non-symptomatic students and staff.
Update 8/27/2021:
The Indiana State Department of Health recently updated their guidance related to COVID testing options that can be accepted by Indiana Schools. Confirmatory PCR tests are no longer required for antigen (rapid) tests performed in a clinical setting (pharmacy, MD office, state test site). Either a PCR or an antigen (rapid) test result performed in a clinical setting will suffice for testing for COVID-19 for both asymptomatic and symptomatic individuals. Home tests will not be accepted and will need to be confirmed by a rapid or PCR COVID test done in a clinical setting.
TSC students with close contact exposure to a family member or person exhibiting Covid symptoms with a pending Covid test result, may be instructed to isolate at home until those test results are received. Additional isolation or quarantine time may be recommended by the health department or physician; this information should be communicated with your child’s school. Documentation may be requested for attendance purposes.
TSC administration and health services will consider recommendations from the ISDH or physicians related to quarantine and isolation times for individuals and families who have close exposure to a known positive covid case. Documentation may be requested for attendance purposes.
When possible, families are encouraged to submit attendance documentation electronically to their child’s school.
Parents can contact the IN State Department of Health Covid hotline at 1-877-826-001 or the Tippecanoe County Health Department for questions related to Covid-19.
School Children and Testing for COVID-19
The following is offered to help parents address questions related to their children and possible COVID-19 exposure in the school setting.
The best place to get advice and guidance when you are worried is to contact your child’s doctor to discuss symptoms and testing options. The physician will recommend the proper pathways for care and facilitate testing as needed.
If your child is sent home from school with illness or concerns about COVID-19 infection, but does not have a medical emergency, please do not seek testing or evaluation through the emergency room. The emergency room is unable to provide outpatient testing or return to school letters.
Indiana University Health offers a free virtual clinic for COVID-19 screening using the IU Health Virtual Visit app. This free tool is available in Spanish and to all regardless of age. There you can connect with a healthcare provider and review your child’s symptoms. The virtual screening team will recommend the proper pathways for care and facilitate testing as needed.
Per ISDH and TCHD-PCR testing is recommended for anyone experiencing COVID symptoms. If a negative rapid antigen test is received for a symptomatic person, the school may request a follow-up PCR COVID test or a doctor’s note stating that the student’s illness is non-COVID related and that they are cleared to return to school prior to allowing the student to return to school.