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Parent Technology Resources

At the Tippecanoe School Corporation, students in grades K-1 utilize iPads in the classroom and students in grades 2-5 utilize Google Chromebooks in the classroom. These devices are only taken home in instances of remote learning and only students who have opted-in to the take-home policy are allowed to do so. Students in grades 6-12 also utilize Google Chromebooks, however they are assigned a device to use throughout middle school, and another device to use throughout high school. Students in grades 6-12 take the devices home each night, bring them back to school each day, and retain them throughout the summer to provide learning opportunities beyond the school day. This program is known as the "1 to 1 initiative" wherein each student has access to their own device. The parent orientation the middle and high school 1 to 1 initiative can be found here.

Parenting students who are "digital natives," or who have been brought up in a world full of technology, can prove to be quite challenging. Below are resources that parents may find helpful to help their students use technology and digital resources. Also included below is information about student devices (Chromebooks & iPads), some of which is applicable to all students and some that is targeted to middle and high school students who take their device home every day.