The Tippecanoe School Corporation encourages all families interested in non-accredited education to fully research homeschooling, talk to other non-accredited educational providers and organizations, understand Indiana's homeschool laws, and have an established curriculum prior to transferring a student out of public school. This site is designed as a starting and/or reference point for families desiring additional information on this type of education.
Tippecanoe School Corporation Non-Public / Non-Accredited School Guidelines
This is a document created by TSC for our staff and district families regarding non-public and non-accredited practices and procedures. If you are a family beginning to consider transfer to non-accredited education, you will want to fully review this document to inform yourself on how the TSC will assist you, and what the TSC requires if your student returns to one of our schools from homeschooling. The guide provides a formal "Intent to Home School" notice, which we request at the time of transfer to homeschooling. The "Intent to Home School" form is important to complete so we know why a student is not in attendance and do not consider the student to be truant. The guide also provides specific contacts within the TSC for textbook catalogs and curriculum guides.
IN Department of Education Resources
The Indiana Department of Education provides a number of helpful resources and tools for families in need of homeschool information and assistance. The IN DOE currently has a "Homeschool Help Sheet" that includes information on getting started, homeschool law, local support groups and organizations, books and curricula, online programs, special needs, work permits, age allowances, athletics, testing, and diploma issuance.
Indiana Department of Education Homeschool Contact:
Kimb Stewart
PH: 317-232-90957 FX: 317-232-9121
Indiana Department of Education, Office of Student Services
Room 229, State House
Indianapolis, IN 46204