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100th day of school celebrated
Sue Scott

The style trend among many students and staff: hair rollers, suspenders, bow ties, pearl necklaces, glasses and gray hair. January 24 marked the 100th day of school. Kindergarteners to high schoolers celebrated by dressing like a centenarian and participating in various activities.

Many much older-looking students and staff members could be seen throughout Dayton Elementary School, Klondike Elementary School and Hershey Elementary School. Dressing up to look 100 years old is a great way to celebrate the milestone: “It is a great day to reflect on how the students have grown in the past 100 days and how much they have learned so far this school year,” says Dayton Principal Ryan Simmons.

Hershey students parade
staff members at Klondike Elementary School dress the part
Dayton students dressed as 100 years old

At Wea Ridge Elementary School kindergartners were seen wearing crowns and superhero capes. Teacher Jacob Brown says kindergarten is a big year in a child's education: “Kindergarteners learn an array of knowledge ranging from how to be at school, social skills, language arts, math, science, social studies and more,” says Brown. “Celebrating days like the 100th day keeps kiddos engaged and celebrates our successes of the school year.”

WRE students doing push ups for 100 seconds

Mintonye Elementary School teacher Cindy DeGolyer says her kindergartners are excited about being 100 days smarter. Students spent the day practicing different ways to count to 100. “We will read books about 100 and predict where a ‘100 Step Walk’ in the hallways around Mintonye takes us and then follow up by actually taking  an ‘100 Step Walk’ in the hallway to see where we end up,” says DeGolyer. “We will explore the ‘100 Collections’ that we made at home and brought to share with class.”

Mintonye students counting m and m's

Meanwhile, other students and staff members at Mintonye dressed with an 80’s theme to mark there are 80 more days of learning ahead.

Mintonye celebrated with an 80's theme

Check out this video with even more photos of our 100th day celebration.