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Burnett Creek cultivates lessons
Sue Scott

You may have noticed the bird feeders and flower beds in front of Burnett Creek Elementary School. Several students, led by teacher Bridgett Sharp, help maintain those tulips, mums, and various annual plants they grow from seed, as well as keeping the birds fed and happy. Now, they have taken on another project with the help of service fraternity Alpha Phi Omega from Purdue University.

The students with their Purdue mentors built four raised garden beds and planted tomatoes, potatoes, zucchini, peppers and other veggies behind the school. “They enjoyed getting dirty planting the seedlings,” says Sharp. “The students will be excited to watch the plants grow.”

Sharp says the activity helped students learn about plant systems and how to work as a team. They hope to gather as a class over the summer to weed and check the gardens with hopes of reaping some produce that they can share with others.

Students pose in front of the new raised gardens