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Students countdown to kindergarten
Sue Scott

The first day of kindergarten can be scary for children (and parents), especially if the child has had little or no preschool experience. A program funded by the United Way is helping prepare students to start school with confidence.

Kindergarten Countdown Camps are underway at several local schools, including Wea Ridge Elementary School and Burnett Creek Elementary School. 

“We work on kindergarten readiness skills, such as writing your name and recognizing colors, shapes, letters and numbers,” says teacher Tricia Wright. “Students are also learning social skills like taking turns and how to make friends. This camp helps students gain confidence and become familiar with the school setting so that it is an easier transition to full-day kindergarten.”

“Fine motor skills are very important at this age,” says teacher Tiffani Early. “If we can get them to hold their pencil properly, then they are already ahead of the game. They also get exposed to different educational vocabulary that they may not have heard yet. Listening to a story without interrupting is a basic skill that often gets overlooked.”

During the three-week program the teachers have seen students develop independence and confidence to try new things. “Little achievements turn into big ones,” says Early. “We have students that did not know the first letter in their name and now they are writing it and spelling it as they write it.”

The teachers expect when camp is over the students will start counting down the days to kindergarten with joy and excitement, which will hopefully make it easier on their parents.

camper learning to use scissors
Mrs. Early helping students
teacher helping camper
Students working in camp